- Predely nizkoskorostnoj detonacii gazovych smesej / 1
- Predely rasprosttranenija plameni v uzkom kanale pri fil'tracii gaza / 1
- Prediciton of minimum ignition energy of aerosols using flame kernel modeling combined with flame front propagation theory / 1
- Predictability of Flashover by Zone Models / 1
- Predicted Fire Behaviour of Steels and Concrete Structures / 1
- Predicting compatibility of crude oils on the basis of relationship between stability and group composition of blend. 1
- Predicting evacuation / 1
- Predicting heats of combustio of polymers using an empirical approach / 1
- Predicting heats of combustion and lower flammability limits of organosilicon compounds / 1
- Predicting human behavior during fires / 1
- Predicting technological disasters: mission impossible? / 1
- Predicting the fire resistance of timber members loaded in tension / 1
- Predicting the fire resistance of wood-steel-wood timber connections / 1
- Predicting the flammable region reach of propane vapor clouds / 1
- Predicting the mean and RMS fields in subsonic hydrogen jet fire / 1
- Predicting the net heat of combustion of organic compounds from molecular structures based on ant colony optimization / 1
- Predicting the past / 1
- Predicting toxic gas concentrations at locations remote from the fire source / 1
- Predicting toxic gas concentrations resulting from enclosure fires using the local equivalence ratio concept linked to fire field models / 1
- Predicting uncertain effects of a blast load generated by an accidental vapour cloud explosion. Przewidywanie niepewnych efektów siły wybuchu, generowanego przez wybuch chmury par / 1
Viewed records 50521-50540 from 80861