- On the Flight Paths of Metal Particles and Embers Generated by Power Lines in High Winds - a Potential Source of Wildland Fires / 1
- On the ignition of fuel beds by firebrands / 1
- On the Length of Flames Under Ceilings. Zasięg płomieni w przestrzeni podsufitowej / 1
- On the Minimujm Ignition Temperature for the explosive Decomposition of tetrafluoroethylene on hot walls: Experiments and calculations / 1
- On the modelling of fire atmosphere/sprinkler spray interaction using an Euler-Lagrange framework / 1
- On the modelling of thermal interactions between a spray curtain and an impinging cold gas cloud / 1
- On the nature, influence and magnitudes of flame heat transfer during surface flame spread / 1
- On the new ISO guide on risk management terminology / 1
- On the operation time of horizontal ceiling vent in an atrium / 1
- On the Possibility of the Peltier Element in the EFP System as the Heat Flow Measuring Device. Możliwość zastosowania elementu Peltiera w elektronicznym systemie ochrony przeciwpożarowej jako narzędzia do pomiaru przepływu ciepła / 1
- On the precritical destruction of metal (steel) structures. Krytyczna analiza zniszczeń konstrukcji stalowych / 1
- On the relationship between crowd density and movement velocity / 1
- On the right track / 1
- On the rise / 1
- On the road with GIS at Greater Manchester Ambulance Service / 1
- On the Ropes / 1
- On the thermal diffisivity of insulating glass wool / 1
- On the use of stereovision to develop a novel instrumentation system to extract geometric fire fronts characteristics. / 1
- On the values of partial factors in multi-storey steel frame analysis. O cząstkowych wartościach w analizie wielokondygnacyjnej ramy stalowej / 1
- On Upward Flame Spread on Thick Fuels. Rozprzestrzenianie sie płomieni w paliwach ciężkich / 1
Viewed records 41441-41460 from 79118