- Modeli i programmnyje sredstva dlja probedenija pożarno-techniczeskich ekspertiz / 1
- Modeli rasprostranenija zagrjaznenij pri avariach na chimiczeski opasnych ob`ektach / 1
- Modeli rozvitku pożeż dlja prognozuvannja vognestijkosti budivełnich konstrukcij = Fire spread models for the forecasting of building constructions fire resistance / 1
- Modeling and analysis of intelligent information systems : monograph / 1
- Modeling and analyzing 3D complex building interiors for effective evacuation simulations / 1
- Modeling and simulation of high pressure water mist systems / 1
- Modeling and spatial analysis of emission of greenhouse gases as result of forest fires in Ukraine 1
- Modeling combustion of micron-sized iron dust particles during flame propagation in a vertical duct / 1
- Modeling fan-driven flows for firefighting tactics using simple analytical models and CFD / 1
- Modeling fire growth in a combustible corner. / 1
- Modeling fire growth on combustible lining materials in enclosures / 1
- Modeling flame temperature profile on a fire-engulfed cylindrical tube / 1
- Modeling multi - stage decomposition of cotton fabrics considering char oxidation in the presence of oxygen / 1
- Modeling of bare and aspirated thermocouples in compartment fires / 1
- Modeling of bolted angle connections in fire. / 1
- Modeling of building evacuation using ladders / 1
- Modeling of combustion systems : a practical approach / 1
- Modeling of dust air flames / 1
- Modeling of Furniture Experiments with Zone Models. Wyniki badań nad meblami przy pomocy modelu strefowego / 1
- Modeling of gas flow and temperature fields in underground coal fires / 1
Viewed records 34581-34600 from 80861