- Methodical basis of energy-enviroment analysis of building within its life-cycle 1
- Methodologies employed in the collection, retrieval and storage of human factors information derived from first hand accounts of survivors of the WTC disaster of 11 september 2001 / 1
- Methodology for functional safety assessment of protective systems for potentially explosive atmospheres. 2
- Methodology for identyfying industrial facilities which pose a risk of accident effects outside their area. 1
- Methodology for Reducing the Duration of the Free Devekopment of Fire. = Metodologija umen`szenija prodolżitel`nosti svobodnogo razvitija pożara = Metodologia skrócenia czasu swobodnego rozwoju pożaru. / 1
- Methodology for the quantificationof toxic dispersions originated in warehouse fires and its application to the QRA in Catalonia (Spain) / 1
- Methodology for the risk assessment of non-electrical equipment and components for intended use in potentially explosive atmospheres 1
- Methodology for the risk assessment of non-electrical equipment and components for intended use in potentially explosive atmospheres. 1
- Methodology of research thermal imaging - introduction 1
- Methodology of research thermal imaging – introduction 1
- Methods and criteria for assessing the degree of risk of a terrorist attack. 1
- Methods and techniques for fire detection : signal, image and video processing perspectives / 1
- Methods for Evaluating Firefighting Foam Used at Seaports. 1
- Methods for more accurate determination of explosion severity parameters. 1
- Methods for the Detection of Toxic Substances in Air Booklet No 6 Carbon Disulphide Vapour. Metody wykrywania substancji toksycznych w powietrzu przy pomocy dwusiarczku węgla. 1
- Methods of Creating a Mathematical Model of an Energy Component of Chemical and Physical Processes that Occur in Wood When It Is Heated Prior To the Flaming Phase. 1
- Methods of Enhancing Safety Education. Metody zwiększające bezpieczeństwo w szkolnictwie. 1
- Methods of HOPF and Normal Form in the Analysis of Non-Linear and Non-Conservative Systems. Metoda HOPF i normalna forma analizy nieliniowych i niezachowawczych systemów / 1
- Methods of occupational risk assessment related to the use of nanomaterials. 1
- Methods of protection against dust-air mixture explosion in the processing of grain. 1
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