- Modeling of bare and aspirated thermocouples in compartment fires / 1
- Modeling of bolted angle connections in fire. / 1
- Modeling of building evacuation using ladders / 1
- Modeling of combustion systems : a practical approach / 1
- Modeling of dust air flames / 1
- Modeling of Furniture Experiments with Zone Models. Wyniki badań nad meblami przy pomocy modelu strefowego / 1
- Modeling of gas flow and temperature fields in underground coal fires / 1
- Modeling of gas release following pipeline rupture: Proposing non-dimensional correlation / 1
- Modeling of heat transfer of a polypropylene-based intumescent system during combustion / 1
- Modeling of pool fires in cold regions / 1
- Modeling of Room Fire Growth: Combustible Lining Materials. Modelowanie rozwoju pożaru pomieszczenia: palące się wykładziny / 1
- Modeling of the rocks stress-strain state in the foundations of bridge type structures / 1
- Modeling of Thermal Load on Rescuers During a Fire in a Tank With Oil Products 1
- Modeling on burning of large-scale vertical parallel surfaces with fire - induced flow / 1
- Modeling pore pressure, moisture and temperature in high-strength concrete columns exposed to fire / 1
- Modeling pre - evacuation delay by occupants in World Trade Center Towers 1 and 2 on September 11, 2001. / 1
- Modeling pre-evacuation delay by evacuees in World Trade Center Towers 1 and 2 on September 11, 2001: A revisit using regression analysis / 1
- Modeling the Evacuation of the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001 / 1
- Modeling the risk of structural fire incidents using a self-organizing map / 1
- Modeling the two-phase cloud evolution from instantaneous flashing release using CFD Modelowanie dwufazowej ewolucji chmury z wersji chwilowej za pomocą CFD / 1
Viewed records 34561-34580 from 80763