- International conflict management / 1
- International EXPO fires the imagination / 1
- International Fire Chief zob. FIRE CHIEF. 1
- International Fire Fighter. 2
- International handbook of structural fire engineering / Editors Kevin LaMalva, Danny Hopkin ; Engineering a Fire Safe World. 1
- International Handbook of Universities. Międzynarodowy Podręcznik Uniwersytetów. 1
- International Life-Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code). Norma międzynarodowa z zakresu stosowania sprzętu ratowniczego (ratującego życie). 1
- International Organized Crime - Selected Aspects 1
- International perspectives on risk reduction / 1
- International Plastics Flammability Handbook. Palność tworzyw sztucznych: podręcznik / 1
- International rescue / 2
- International rescue team - selection and training / 1
- International rescue team part II: response requirements / 1
- International rescue teams. Part III - Operations and co-ordination / 1
- International Rescue: too little or too much ? / 1
- International response to Indian quake / 1
- International Responses to Traumatic Stress: Humanitarian, Human Rights, Justice, Peace and Development Contributions, Collaborative Actions and Future Initiatives / 1
- International Symposium on Grain Elevator Explosions: July 11-12,1978. Washington. Międzynarodowe sympozjum na temat wybuchów elewatorów zbożowych. 2
- International Technical Fire Service Dictionary. Międzynarodowy techniczny słownik pożarniczy. / 1
- International terrorism and threats to security : Międzynarodowy terroryzm a zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa / 1
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