- Hearing protectors - Safety requirements and testing - Part 4: Level-dependent ear-muffs 2
- Hearing protectors -- General requirements -- Part 2: Earplugs 1
- Hearting mechanism of building components exposed to a localized fire / 1
- Heat and mass transfer: fundamentals & applications [Dokument elektroniczny] / 1
- Heat and mass transfer: fundamentals & applications / 1
- Heat conductivity modeling in ceramics and fire resistant. Model przewodzenia ciepła w materiałach ceramicznych i ognioodpornych / 1
- Heat flux measurements in the OSU rate of heat release apparatus / 1
- Heat flux profile upon building facade with side walls due to window ejected fire plume: An experimental investigation and global correlation / 1
- Heat fluxes and flame lenghts from fires under ceilings / 1
- Heat Isolation Scenario for a Double Fire Shutter System / 1
- Heat of Combustion in spreading wood crib fires with application to celling jets. / 1
- Heat Radiation from Fires and Building Separation. Promieniowanie cieplne w czasie pożaru a oddzielenie między budynkami / 1
- Heat Release in Fires. Wydzielanie ciepła podczas pożarów. / 1
- Heat Release in Fires. Wydzielanie ciepła podczas pożaru / 1
- Heat release rate measurements of burning mining vehicles in an underground mine / 1
- Heat release rate of heavy goods vehicle fire in tunels with fixed water based fire-fighting system / 1
- Heat release rates of multiple objects at varying distances / 1
- Heat resistance and flammability of high performance fibres: a review / 1
- Heat stress: ignore the signs at your peril / 1
- Heat Transfer by Radiation. Przenoszenie się ciepła przez promieniowanie / 1
Viewed records 25501-25520 from 80808