- Influence of point sources of pollution on air quality in Małopolska - first tests ofa new version of forecasting of air pollution propagation system / 1
- Influence of potassium nitrate on the combustion rate of a waster-based aerosol fire extinguishing agent / 1
- Influence of properties and heating characteristics on the thermal decomposition of polymer/carbon nanotube nanocomposites / 1
- Influence of reed blade length upon technical properties of reed-concrete. Wpływ wypełniaczy roślinnych na techniczne własności czerwonego betonu / 1
- Influence of Selected Elements Affecting Response Time for the Emergency Medical System and the Effectiveness of Administering Aid to Victims of Road Traffic Accidents. 1
- Influence of Selected Factors on Dust Explosiveness / 1
- Influence of smoke and risk analysis in the collection evacuation model for the National Palace Museum / 1
- Influence of strength reduction of timber in fire on structural resistance / 1
- Influence of Temperature on Explosion Pressure of Liquid Fuels Blends Composed of Isooctane and Various Isomers of Butyl Alcohol. 1
- Influence of the burning parameters to the properties of ceramic bodies. Wpływ parametrów spalania na właściwości materiałów ceramicznych / 1
- Influence of the coexisting contaminants on biosphenol: A sorption and desorption in soil / 1
- Influence of the Fire-Extinguished Invasion on the Forest Ecosystems Environment. Wpływ środków gaśniczych na zagrożenie ekosystemu środowiska leśnego / 1
- Influence of the properties of self-compacting concrete on the effect on air enrainment. Wpływ napowietrzania na własności pakowanego bekonu / 1
- Influence of the Selected Factors on Dust Explosiveness 1
- Influence of Tree Species Composition on Forest Stand Fire Loading. Wpływ rodzaju drzewostanu na obciążenie ogniowe lasu / 1
- Influence of tunnel with on logitudinal smoke control. / 1
- Influence of variables on ship collision probability in a Bayesian belief network model / 1
- Influence of viscosity enhancing agent of properties on mortars with different cements and superlasticizers. Wpływ właściwości składników o dużej lepkości na własności zapraw murarskich z różną zawartością cementu i superplastifikatorów / 1
- Influence of Wooden-Based Dusts on Smoke Fire Detectors . 1
- Influences of time, location and cause factors on the probability of fire loss in China: A Correspondence analysis / 1
Viewed records 26181-26200 from 79118