- Experimental design to study corrosion under insulation in harsh marine environments / 1
- Experimental evaluation of fire suppression characteristics of twin fluid water mist system / 1
- Experimental evaluation of flame and flamelet spread over cellulosic materials using the narrow channel apparatus / 1
- Experimental evaluation of LPG tank explosion hazards / 1
- Experimental fire analysis of steel-to-timber connections using dowels and nails / 1
- Experimental flammability limits and associated theoretical flame temperatures as a tool for predicting the temperature dependence of these limits / 1
- Experimental investigation into penetration of a weak fire plume into a hot upper layer / 1
- Experimental investigation of atomized water droplet initial parameters influence on evaporation intensity in flaming combustion zone / 1
- Experimental investigation of burning scenario of loaded 3,49 - ton pickup trucks / 1
- Experimental investigation of deformations of lightly reinforced concrete beams. Eksperymentalne badania deformacji odciążonych dźwigarów żelbetowych / 1
- Experimental investigation of fire wall insulation during a standard furnace fire test with different initial ambient air temperatures / 1
- Experimental investigation of gas explosion in single vessel and connected vessels / 1
- Experimental investigation of hydrogen - air deflagrations and detonations in semi - confined flat layers / 1
- Experimental investigation of spray formation as affected by sprinkler geometry. / 1
- Experimental investigation of the reliability reception of ultrasound signals in fire conditions / 1
- Experimental investigation on ferritic stainless steel columns in fire / 1
- Experimental investigation on smoke propagation in a transversely ventilated tunnel / 1
- Experimental investigation on the thermal behaviors of glass fiber reinforced concrete / 1
- Experimental investigations of vibrations of centrifugal fire pump with the defect (unfastened shaft in a bearing seat) / 1
- Experimental investigations on the deflagration explosion characteristics of different DME-LPG mixtures / 1
Viewed records 21421-21440 from 79118