- Evaluation of a Fire Risk Index Method for Multistorey Apartment Buildings. Oszacowanie ryzyka pożarowego budynków wielokondygnacyjnych metodą indeksu / 1
- Evaluation of a risk - based environmental hot spot delineation algorithm / 1
- Evaluation of anti-vibration materials for protective footwear – original research results. 1
- Evaluation of asphalt composition laboratory determination methods. Laboratoryjne metody określające ocenę zawartości asfaltu / 1
- Evaluation of building retrofit projects. Ocena projektów modernizacji budynków / 1
- Evaluation of CFD Modeling Methods for Fireinduced Airflow in a Room / 1
- Evaluation of chemical compound emissions during thermal decomposition and combustion of V-belts 1
- Evaluation of common ignition models for use with marine cored composites / 1
- Evaluation of concrete resistance to chloride penetration by means of electrical rasistivity monitoring. Ocena odporności betonu na penetrację chlorku przy pomocy monitoringu oporności elektrycznej / 1
- Evaluation of danger from fermentation - induced spontaneous ignition of wood chips / 1
- Evaluation of facadefire safety on the basic large-scale studies. 1
- Evaluation of FDS V 4: Upward Flame Spread / 1
- Evaluation of fire preformance of intumescent coatings on construction materials [praca inżynierska] / 1
- Evaluation of fire protection performance of eight countries based on fire statistics: an application of data development analysis / 1
- Evaluation of fire safety. Szacowanie bezpieczeństwa pożarowego. / 1
- Evaluation of flame spread on thin polymeric rooflight materials. / 1
- Evaluation of intumescent coatings for shipboard fire protection / 1
- Evaluation of models of fully developed post-flashover compartment fires / 1
- Evaluation of Monte Carlo method for modeling glazing behavior during radiant exposure / 1
- Evaluation of multi-phase atmospheric dispersion models for application to Carbon Capture and Storage / 1
Viewed records 21161-21180 from 79118