- Fire Department Operations in Protected Properties. Akcje straży pożarnych w budynkach zabezpieczonych przeciwpożarowo. 1
- Fire department perspective on mass evacuation / 1
- Fire Department Pumper Tests and Fire Stream Tables. 1
- Fire Department Safety Officer / 1
- Fire Department Salvage Operations. Działanie straży pożarnych w zakresie ratowania mienia. 1
- Fire department strategic planning : creating future excellence / 1
- Fire Department Strategic Planning 101 / 1
- Fire Department Suppotr of Automatic Sprinkler Systems. Wiadomości o automatycznych urządzeniach tryskaczowych / 1
- Fire Department Terminology. Terminologia stosowana przez straże pożarne / 1
- Fire design of steel structures : Eurocode 1 : action on structures, part 1-2 : general actions - actions on structures exposed to fire - Eurocode 3 : design for steel structures, part 1-2 : general rules - structural fire design / 1
- Fire Design of Wooden Structures. Projektowanie konstrukcji drewnianych zagrożonych pożarem / 1
- Fire detection - the future is already here / 1
- Fire detection and alarm systems. Guidelines for planning, design, installation, commisioning, use and maintenance. 1
- Fire detection and alarm systems. Part 14: Desing, installation, commissioning and service of fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings. ISO 7240-14:2013(E). 1
- Fire detection and alarm systems. Power supplies. 1
- Fire detection and fire alarm system. Smoke detectors. Point detectors using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization. 1
- Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 14: Guidelines for planning, design, installation, comissioning, use and maintenance 1
- Fire detection and fire alarm systems -- Part 3: Fire alarm devices -- Sounders 1
- Fire detection and fire alarm systems -- Part 14: Guidelines for planning, design, installation, commissioning, use and maintenance. 1
- Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings. Part 1 : Code of practice for design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of systems in non-domestic premises. 1
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