- Developing a quick action plan / 1
- Developing and implementing a mentor program / 1
- Developing cone calorimeter acceptance criteria for materials used in high speed craft / 1
- Developing disaster management capability: an assessment centre approach / 1
- Developing disaster survivor resiliency: the home away from home / 1
- Developing fire service planning - a risky business ? / 1
- Developing guidelines for lightning safety for firefighters / 1
- Developing leadership in the Fire and Rescue Service / 1
- Developing mental toughness : coaching strategies to improve performance, resilience and wellbeing, 1
- Development and evaluation of fire barriers to reduce fire hazards on large mining equipment / 1
- Development and evaluation of fire retardant cotton fabrics / 1
- Development and Use of Automatic Fire-Fighting Systems (Automatic Extinction and Alarms). 1
- Development and Verification of a Mathematical Model Dealing with Thermal Protective Garments for Different Types of Tests. 1
- Development of a control - atmosphere cone calorimeter / 1
- Development of a coolant formulation for temperature management of electric car batteries. 1
- Development of a cup burner apparatus for fire suppresion evaluation of high-expansion foams / 1
- Development of a framework for quality assurance of performance - based fire safety design / 1
- Development of a hybrid field and zone model for fire smoke propagation simulation in buildings. / 1
- Development of a new chemical process - industry accident database to assist in past accident analysis / 1
- Development of a virtual interactive network among the Fire Service Training Centres 1
Viewed records 17341-17360 from 79120