- Combination of a fire model and a smoke sensor model. / 1
- Combination of a hydroxy-functional organophosphorus oligomer and a multi functional carboxylic acid as a flame retardant finishing system for cotton: Part.I. The chemical reactions / 1
- Combination of a hydroxy-functional organophosphorus oligomer and multifunctional carboxylic acid as a flame retardant finishing system for cotton: Part. II. Formation of calcium salt during laundering / 1
- Combined Annual Cumulative Index = Roczny skumulowany indeks czasopism [Dokument elektroniczny]. 1
- Combined Approach to Solving Issues of Heat and Gas Exchange Caused by Fires in Different Locations. 1
- Combined Conference and Scentific Seminar with NFPA Cultural Resources Committee and Slovensko Zdruzenje Za Pozarno Varstov (SZPV): Heritage Protection International Ljubljana Castle Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24 - 25 May 2006. 1
- Combined decontamination processes for wastes containing PCBs / 1
- Combined Fire Retardant and Wood Preservative Treatments for Outdoor Wood Applications - A Review of the Literature / 1
- Combined Research Seminar with the Norwegian Fire Research Laboratory "The Application of Water Mist in Cultural Haritage Buildings", 16-18 April 2004: Archibishop's Palace, Trondheim, Norwey. Wspólne Seminarium Naukowe z Norweskim Laboratorium Badań Pożarowych " Zastosowanie mgły wodnej w budynkach dziedzictwa kulturowego", 16-18 kwiecień 2004, Pałac Arcybiskupa, Trondheim, Norwegia. 1
- Combined smoke and climate control / 1
- Combiner les démarches déterministe et probabilistes / 1
- Combinet Scientific Seminar with the Scottish Historic Buildings Fire Liaison Group 5-6 September 2003: Edinburgh, Scotland. Wspólne seminarium naukowe z udziałem Szkockiego Związku Ochrony Przeciwpożarowej Obiektów Zabytkowych. 1
- Combining Heat Release Rates of Combustibles / 1
- Combining precursor incidents investigations and QRA in oil and gas industry / 1
- Combining the cost of reducing uncertainty with the selection risk assessment models for remediation decision of site contamination / 1
- Combustibility of cyanate ester resins / 1
- Combustibility Related Parameters for Reaction to Fire Test Translations / 1
- Combustible dust / 1
- Combustible Dust Fires and Explosions / 1
- Combustible Linings and Room Fire Growth: a First Analysis / 1
Viewed records 15501-15520 from 79118