- Before Disaster Strikes: Prevention, Planning, and Recovery: Caring for Your Personal Collections in the Event of Disaster. Przed katastrofą: zapobieganie, planowanie, odbudowywanie: ochrona dóbr własnych / 1
- Before the storm / 1
- Befreien aus Zwangslagen im Atemschutzeinsatz / 1
- Begleitubungen zur Grundstufe 1 / 1
- Begleitubungen zur Grundstufe 2 / 1
- Behälter zum Transport von beschädigten Lithium-Ionen-Batterien / 1
- Behavior and communication in CBRN crisis : findings and recommendations in case of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear attacks on society. Zachowanie i komunikacja w czasie kryzysu CBRN : wnioski i zalecenia w przypadku ataków chemicznych, biologicznych, radiologicznych i nuklearnych na społeczeństwo / 1
- Behavior of axially - and - rotationally restrained concrete columns with `+` shaped cross section and subjected to fire. / 1
- Behavior of combined fly ash / slag - based geopolymers when exposed to high temperatures / 1
- Behavior of concrete members at elevated temperatures considering inelastic deformation / 1
- Behavior of Glazing in a Large Simulated Office Block in a Multi-Story Building / 1
- Behavior of Khorjini connection in fire. / 1
- Behavior of plywood lining in full scale room fire tests / 1
- Behavior of reinforced concrete structures exposed to fire environment / 1
- Behavior of structures in fire and real design - a case study / 1
- Behavior of wood in case of fire : proposal for stochastic dimensioning of structural elements / 1
- Behaviour - Security - Culture : BeSeCu : Human behaviour in emergencies and disasters : A cross-cultural investigation / 1
- Behaviour of double glazing in corner fires / 1
- Behaviour of flames spreading downward over napped fabrics / 1
- Behaviour of Hollow Wooden Columns under Thermal Stress. Zachowanie się wydrążonych drewnianych kolumn pod wpływem naprężeń termicznych / 1
Viewed records 11981-12000 from 79118