- CAFS - system piany "sprężonej" / 1
- CAFS at the airside. 1
- CAFS come back. 1
- CAFS po polsku / 1
- CAFS w strefie operacyjnej lotniska 1
- CAFS wraca 1
- CAFS wraca do przyszłości 1
- CAFS: back to the future / 1
- CAFS: Future trends / 1
- CAFS: przyszły kierunek 1
- Calamity in Kansas / 1
- Calculated risk / 1
- Calculating the jet flow / 1
- Calculation of a Stationary Temperature Field in a Multi-Layerd Panel with due regard to Internal Heat Sources Containing Non-Ideal Thermal Links Between Layers. 1
- Calculation of minimum ignition energy of premixed gases / 1
- Calculation of temperature in fire - exposed bare steel structures: Comparision between ENV 1993 - 1 - 2 and EN 1993 - 1 - 2. / 1
- Calculation of the Fire Resistance of Wood Based Boards and Wall Constructions. Obliczanie odporności ogniowej ścian drewnianych / 1
- Calculation of thermal conductivity of gypsum plasterboards at ambient and elevated temperature / 1
- Calculation Parameters of The Remote-Controlled Extinguishing Device for Landfill Fires. 1
- Calculations in Support of IP15: The Area Classification Code for Petroleum Installations. Kalkulacje na rzecz przepisu IP15: przepis dpotyczący klasyfikacji instalacji na ropę naftową. / 1
Viewed records 14461-14480 from 80770