- Computing radiative heat transfer occuring in a zone fire model / 1
- Concealed detectors give early smoke warning. 1
- Concept for improving the security of religious sites / 1
- Concept for the integration of situational crime prevention with BIM (Building Information Modelling) methodology in the process of shaping a safe space. 1
- Conceptionary 1
- Concepts and evidence from flood protection in Austria 1
- Concepts in Building Firesafety. Podstawowe pojęcia w zakresie ochrony przeciwpożarowej budynków. / 1
- Concepts of the National Security System in strategic documents a nd theoretical views in 2000–2020. 1
- Concepts of wildland fire protection of cultural monuments and national parks in Greece. Case study: digital telemetry networks at the forest of Ancient Olympia / 1
- Conceptual physics, 1
- Concise Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering. Encyklopedia nauk o tworzywach sztucznych i inżynierii. / 1
- Concorde crash: final fatal minutes / 1
- Concorde flight AF4590 - the lessons / 1
- Concrete - Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity 1
- Concrete - Specification, performance, production and conformity. 1
- Concrete based on gypsumfree cements: surface resistce to cyclic de-icing, defrosting and chemical substances. Beton bezgipsowy (GFC-C): odporność powierzchniowa na zamrażanie, odmrażanie i substancje chemiczne / 1
- Concrete compressive strenght and process of its structure destruction in extreme states of material moisture content. Wytrzymałość betonu sprężonego i procesy jego niszczenia w stanie maksymalnej wilgotności betonu / 1
- Concrete for tunnel linings exposed to severe fire exposure / 1
- Concrete solutions / 1
- Concrete-Polymer Composites for Repair Work for Deteriorated Reinforced Concrete Structures in Japan. Betonopodobne kompozyty polimerowe do napraw konstrukcji żelbetowych w Japonii / 1
Viewed records 15681-15700 from 79120