- Application of polyalkylenguanidine disinfectants for improving the effectiveness of anti-epidemic measures in emergency situations = Zastosowanie środków dezynfekujących na bazie polialkilenu guanidyny w celu poprawienia efektywności metod zwalczania epidemii w sytuacjach nadzwyczajnych / 1
- Application of remote sensing and GIS to locate priority intervention areas after wildland fires in Mediterrnean systems: a case study from south-eastern Spain / 1
- Application of Special Risk Reduction Protective Measures in Combiterminals for Dangerous Goods / 1
- Application of the direct iteration method for nonlinear analysis of steel frames in fire / 1
- Application of the field method for the prediction of fire development in enclosures. Zastosowanie metody polowej do określenia rozwoju pożaru w pomieszczeniach / 1
- Application of the fire dynamics simulators (FDS) as a countermeasure for preventing fires in old residences / 1
- Application of the new technologies that save raw materials during the production of PCV pipes. Wykorzystanie nowych technologii, które zaoszczedzą surowce podczas produkcji rur z PCW / 1
- Application of the Regression Function for the Description of Sorption Process = Zastosowanie regresji do opisu procesu sorpcji / 1
- Application of UPS in the power supply systems of fire-fighting equipment. 1
- Application of water mist fire suppression systems in small retail shops / 1
- Application Seveso II, circulaire du 10 mai 2000 / 1
- Applications of fire research and improvement / 1
- Applications of structural fire engineering. Zastosowania strukturalnej inżynierii pożarowej. 1
- Applications of the equivalent gap fraction criterion method for fire whirl risk evaluation and prevention in a real fire disaster / 1
- Applications of thermal hazard analyses on proces safety assessments / 1
- Applied mathematics and information technology subdepartment / 1
- Applied science / 1
- Applied water mist fire suppression system in historic buildings / 1
- Applied zone model to evaluate the smoke management in an underground structure / 1
- Applying case-based reasoning : techniques for enterprise systems = [Zastosowanie rozumowania precedensowego : techniki dla systemów w przedsiębiorstwach] / 1
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